MDI Curriculum

  • 1

    MDI: Money Management

    • Orientation

    • Start Investing with MDI

    • Business Mindset

  • 2

    Your Job & Income

    • Your Job & Income - Intro

    • Your Job & Income - Taxes

    • Your Job & Income - 401K

    • Your Job & Income - Education

    • Your Job & Income - HSA

    • Your Job & Income - Dependent Care Account

    • Your Job & Income - Gov't Benefits

  • 3

    Budgeting Expenses

    • Budgeting Expenses - Intro, Profit Equation, & Budget

    • Budgeting Expenses - Do as the Pros -> Everyday Spending

    • Budgeting Expenses - Checking Account

  • 4


    • Debt - Intro -> Bad Debt

    • Debt - Tips to Eliminate Credit Card Debt

    • Debt - Financing

  • 5


    • Saving - Intro -> Monthly Expenses

    • Saving - Banks

    • Saving - Saving Mentality

  • 6


    • Credit - Intro -> Assessing Credit

    • Credit - Credit Score

    • Credit - Credit Hacks

    • Credit - Credit Cards

  • 7


    • Taxes - Intro -> Bracket

    • Taxes - Hire a CPA

    • Taxes - Investment Taxes

    • Taxes - Create a Business

  • 8

    Big Purchases

    • Big Purchases - House

    • Big Purchases - Car

    • Big Purchases - College

  • 9

    Getting to Retirement

    • Getting to Retirement - Intro -> Saving vs Investing

    • Getting to Retirement - Financial Advisors

    • Getting to Retirement - Investing

    • Getting to Retirement - Social Security

    • Getting to Retirement - Life Insurance -> Trusts

  • 10

    Putting it All Together

    • Putting it All Together - Intro -> Doing What it Takes

    • Putting it All Together - Profit Formula

    • Putting it All Together - Reminders

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    • Resources

    • The End

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    Extra Resources

    • Budget Template

    • Where to Start Investing

    • Investing vs Saving

    • How much to Invest